Attendance will be taken at the beginning of each class.  Attendance is VERY important, both to your training and as a requirement when it is time for you to go up for rank.  When pertaining to rank placement, attendance is referred in this class as “time in service.”  Each rank has a minimal amount of time required in order to qualify for the next rank.  It goes as follows:
Yellow belt- 24 classes present
Second Yellow- 40 classes present
Green belt - 64 classes present
Blue belt- 90 classes present
Purple belt- 120 classes present
Red belt- 145 classes present
Black Belt- 170 classes present
Also, a minimum of three (3) months’ time (24 classes present) in service is required per belt rank.  Keep in mind, these are MINIMUM requirements.  This may be subject to change, depending on various conditions
It is also the responsibility of each student (or, in the case of minors, parent/guardian of each student) to keep the instructor updated with the latest contact information in case of changes within the class or emergencies during class.  Of course, a good contact number (whether home or cell) is best.  Other forms of contact that are emphasized are:  texting, e-mail address, adding the instructor as a Facebook friend, etc.

PLEASE NOTE:  This only applies to those who wish to go the traditional style route with belt structure. This is not mandatory!! Though, a great tool to measure and accurately determine skill level.