Moo Duk Kwan Unlimited

Firstly, I would like to personally thank you for joining/inquiring into our class.  You have just taken part in a time honored martial art.  Of course, Tae Kwon Do is an excellent form of self-defense, but it is also a great way to lose weight, build confidence, and self-discipline.  

As with all forms of exercise, we HIGHLY recommend you to consult with your personal physician or health care professional to make sure your health is good enough to engage in any strenuous activity, particularly this martial art.

Now, I have to admit.  This style of Tae Kwon Do is a bit more strenuous than most styles. But, don’t let that scare you from joining. The more you put into your workout, the more benefits you will receive in the end.  Again, thanks for joining and welcome aboard.

PLEASE NOTE:  This class will not only offer traditional style martial arts, but also street self defense, street awareness, while also incorporating several other styles of martial arts as well.